General Sessions
Opening General Session
Calusa Ballroom
Commence the conference with presentations from industry leaders and experts so you can stay ahead of pharmacy and retail trends.
Angie Nelson, PharmD
Senior Vice President, Pharmacy, Hy-Vee, Inc. and 2025 Regional Chain Chair
A 20-year Hy-Vee veteran, Angie Nelson began her career working as a registered pharmacist. In the years following, she was promoted to different management roles throughout the company, serving as a pharmacy manager, store director, pharmacy supervisor and vice president of pharmacy operations.
Steven C. Anderson, FASAE, CAE, IOM
President & CEO, National Association of Chain Drug Stores
Steven C. Anderson FASAE, CAE, IOM is President and Chief Executive Officer of the National Association of Chain Drug Stores (NACDS), a position he assumed in 2007. He represents and is the chief spokesperson for an industry that has annual sales of more than $1 trillion, employs more than 3.2 million individuals, and works with suppliers and other partners to help meet the health, wellness, and daily needs of patients and consumers across America. Nearly all Americans (91 percent), live within five miles of a retail pharmacy.
Kevin Host
Senior Vice President, Pharmacy, Walmart and NACDS Chair
Kevin Host is Walmart’s Senior Vice President of Pharmacy. Prior to joining Walmart, Kevin was the President and COO of Avita, where he led the roll-up and integration of multiple acquired companies focused on providing 340B pharmacy services to patients and providers in the HIV community.