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Featured Speakers

We seek out speakers who push the boundaries to advance the interests and objectives of the chain community pharmacy industry.


Libby Baney


Faegre Drinker LLP

Scott Biggs
Scott Biggs

Director of Supplier Services


Christie Boutte, PharmD, RPh

Senior Vice President, Reimbursement, Innovation and Advocacy

National Association of Chain Drug Stores

Justin Heiser, PharmD

President and CEO

Thrifty White Pharmacy

Todd Huseby
Todd Huseby

Partner, Americas Consumer Healthcare Lead


Steven Jennings

Stakeholder Relations & Brand Lead, Health & Sustainability

Ahold Delhaize USA

Reema Jweied-Guegel

Senior Director


Jack Kalavritinos


JK Strategies

Stephanie Katz, JD, MPH

Vice President, Reimbursement, Innovation, and Advocacy

National Association of Chain Drug Stores

Deborah Kelly


Manatt, Phelps & Phillips, LLP

Doug Long
Doug Long

Vice President of Industry Relations


Lauren Lyles-Stolz, PharmD, RPh

Vice President, Reimbursement, Innovation, and Advocacy

National Association of Chain Drug Stores

Nancy Lyons, BSPharm, MBA, CDCES

Vice President and Chief Pharmacy Officer

Health Mart

John Marraffa, RPh


Kinney Drugs, Inc.

Judy Monroe, MD

President and CEO

CDC Foundation

Jackie Morse

Group Vice President, Pharmacy

Meijer, Inc.

Keith Nahigian


Nahigian Strategies

Kevin Nicholson, R.Ph, J.D.

Vice President, Public Policy, Regulatory & Legal Affairs

National Association of Chain Drug Stores

Anthony Pudlo, PharmD, MBA, MSHIA

Chief Executive Officer

Tennessee Pharmacists Association

Sara Roszak, DrPH, MPH, MA

SVP, Health and Wellness Strategy and Policy

National Association of Chain Drug Stores

Katie Scanlon

Senior Director of Pharmacy Administration

Publix Super Markets, Inc.

Lisa Smith, PharmD, MBA

Group Director, Pharmacy Health Services

Walmart Health and Wellness

Margaret Swiatkowski

Senior Director II, Retail Center of Excellence


Elliot Vice


Faegre Drinker LLP

Katie Wunderlich


CapView Strategies